Author Archives: mohnkern

Heathens, Druids, and Pagans oh my!

Over the weekend I was reminded of a situation that I was in several years ago, and thought it was worth sharing. There’s a local pagan festival that I attend (and teach at) annually where I do to Sumbels, one … Continue reading

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More on the ends justifying the means and Heathenism

On Monday I was driving home, listening as I do to talk radio, and there was a conservative talk show host talking about the latest Supreme Court nominee, Kagan. To no one’s surprise, the commentator was vehemently opposed to this … Continue reading

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Politics and Heathen Ethics

A quick note:

This article discusses the current race/nationality issues by the U.S. Government.   In no way do I support racial analysis on any level.   I am in fact 100% egalitarian in my beliefs, and do not side with those who would use race to divide one segment of our population against another. For those of you who would, please read elsewhere.

This morning, on my drive in, I was listening to a popular talk radio station in the Washington, D.C. Area, and they raised the recent Arizona immigration laws, and recent statements by our administration regarding race, and “accused” the government of raising the race issue politically “yet again.”  I thought about their statements, and I realized that often times the race issue is raised by political parties, not for the purpose of addressing race issues (and there are some), but to divide our population into groups that can be converted to a belief.   Essentially “divide and convince.”   It’s my belief that on both sides of the aisle, policies are decided typically outside of race, and race issues are used to justify them.

Then I thought about this as a Heathen.   Do the ends justify the means, if the ends are extremely important, and the ends not that offensive, even if they are a minor violation of our ethics?

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